I am having difficulties with my ISP for my home system which is leading
to the following situations.
Sometimes I dial-up to telephone number A and at other times to B.
Each number requires using a separate smarthost, call them A-relay.domain
and B-relay.domain. If I use the wrong one, I will get a 5xx.
Now I can probably put the relevant relay in a file to be used by
route_file when I dial-up so while I am connected I can have the correct
routing. But when I am not connected and am making use of queue_only_file
I don't know what number I will be using the next time I dial-up.
So one option seems that if I could actually delay routing (and not just
delivery) for remote destinations while disconnected then I might be able
to get this to route correctly after I dial up and go via the correct
But if people have alternative strategies to approach this problem, I
would be pleased with that.
(The origin of the problem is that one of the numbers, B, seems to allow
me to establish a ppp connection only infrequently, while A is reliable,
but B is what I need to fetchnews. If I could get B to work reliably, I
would just use it all the time and not have this problem.)
Jeffrey Goldberg
I have recently moved, see
Relativism is the triumph of authority over truth, convention over justice