Re: [exim] Webadmin for exim

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Author: Daniel Petre
To: tower
CC: Exim-Users
Subject: Re: [exim] Webadmin for exim
hello, perhaps vexim?

On Oct 18, 2009, at 5:55 PM, tower wrote:

> Hello
> I have something about 5000 email accounts under 30 domains on my
> exim.
> I'm looking for some webaccess for my 30 domains resellers, which
> will
> can: add/delete accounts/aliases, read uncrypted passwords, create
> white/balcklist for their domains and some other features. My
> accountbase works with exim4 under mysql v.5.
> I'm testing ispcp omega, DTC, and other soft. These scripts give me
> many
> features connected with hosting, but I want panel for domain owners
> only
> to maintaining email accounts.
> Could you point me in the correct direction to find webaccess for
> mysql
> and exim?
> Thanks for any help. Regards!
> --
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Daniel Petre,
System Administrator
RCS & RDS, Pitesti
Tel: 0348400426
Mobil: 0770048708
Skype: daniel-petre
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