Re: [exim] Debian as a 'Special Case' for Exim

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Author: Marc Sherman
To: Marc Haber
CC: exim-users
Subject: Re: [exim] Debian as a 'Special Case' for Exim
Marc Haber wrote:
> A lot of the "big" packages differ from upstream's configuration
> scheme, apache being one of the most prominent examples.

I forgot to address this point in my last message. I dislike the
apache2 config setup for exactly the same reasons. However, it's not as
important to me for two reasons:

1) I don't participate in any Apache mailing lists, so I don't see
people I respect slamming my distro of choice (and, by extension, me) on
a regular basis there...

2) exim4 is Priorty: important; apache and apache2 are Priority:
optional. No-one gets apache installed on their machine's without
explictly requesting it.

- Marc