> Day 1 (unchanged):
> Morning, just before lunch: Introduction to Internet mail
> Afternoon: Exim introduction and overview
> Overview of Exim configuration
> Day 2:
> Morning: Configuring routers and transports - same material as
> now, but taken more slowly. This would also include coverage
> of filters.
> Afternoon: First guest speaker for the first hour
> First demo/practical:
> Install Exim from source
> Demonstrate default configuration
> Modify configuration - e.g. install virtual domains
From my own course-giving/tutorial experience, I think the above
timetable might be better with:
- more of the elementary stuff up front. In particular,
the "Demonstrate default configuration" (or a "Baby's First
Exim Config").
- ensure the first practical session is on day-1. That way,
students can play with their laptops on the first evening
and be better equipped to understand day-2 / ask more
informed questions.
Alternatively, you could leave the existing 2-day course as it stands,
and just glue on at the front a 1-day, hands-on, tutorial session.
Benefits of that approach:
- students better prepared for days 2 & 3 (as above)
- someone else could run it if you wanted, so you wouldn't have
to make any changes!
- people under time pressure could omit the tutorial part and
just come for 2 days, instead of not attending at all.