On Fri, 21 Sep 2001, Vincent Danen wrote:
> I'm using the vmailmgr system with qmail right now to handle multiple
> virtual domains under a single uid. Is there something similar for
> exim? Ie. some way I can build a large amount of virtual domains that
Yes, see the other email today on the exim-users mailing list. (And it was
also discussed yesterday. Plus it is discussed in the FAQ.)
> have absolutely no relationship with each other and don't require
> system accounts to access? Ie. I want a single uid for the entire
> system or one uid per domain, but beneath that, each user has a
> mailbox and that's it (popping in as user@??? instead of
> user).
This is exactly what I do with Exim and vm-pop3d.
> Also, what mailinglist managers do you recommend for use with exim?
I don't recommend anything; but from an end-user's perspective Mailman
works good for the exim-users list.
> Thanks for any thoughts on this. And if there is anyone else who has
> made the transition from qmail (for mid-sized multi-domain usage;
> preferrably having used qmail for quite a while) and could share their
> thoughts on how they find the two compare, I'd be grateful.
In fact, this was just discussed:
Good luck,
Jeremy C. Reed
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