> I'm hoping to inch it down. I know that AoL has a limit of
> between 3 and 4 M, and most ISPs seem to think that 3 is plenty.
....the difference being that most people connecting via an ISP are connected
via modem rather than ethernet, and so see a data transfer rate which is about
2 orders of magnitude slower.
Ignoring compression, a 3Mb mail message will take about 15-20 minutes to
deliver over a modem. It'll take a few seconds over ethernet.
Bruce Rodger |Bruce.Rodger@??? PGP key available
Networking and Computer Services |http://www.strath.ac.uk/CC/People/bruce.html
The University of Strathclyde | +44 (0)141 548 3460
Glasgow G4 0LN, Scotland. | Fax 553 4100
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