>OK, but I still don't know which address you originally sent to and
>which domain(s) your server handles. Does your mail client submit your
>mail to your server or some other server, which then tries to contact
>your server?
I have a own debian sarge server with two domains and one IP.
I send it over IMAP Courier. Yes i send an email to my work, and to my
second domain which is located on another server. I have the email only in
the sent folder.
>Is that the whole ACL for RCPT? Looks like it will not accept any
>recipients at all unless the client has authenticated. The last deny is
>effectively redundant, since if no ACL statement matches and control
>falls off the end of the list, it's an implicit deny.
>The commented-out deny rejects mail from external hosts *if* the
>recipient domain is in vexim's database with the spamassassin flag set
>(weird) *and* the SPF check failed. Is that an original vexim rule?
Yes this is the whole ACL for RCPT. It based on a howto to configure a
How must looks like this file? Can you send me an example that helps me?
>The commented-out condition accepts if the address of the sender matches
>his username (i.e. you use your full email address as username). You
>seem to have changed that to just require that the user is authenticated
>at all. That shouldn't make any difference as I assume that the
>usernames in the database are indeed identical to the email addresses.
Yes i use the full emailadress and password for loggin in.
>So, let me just ask: If you submit mail directly to your server, have
>you configured your mail client to authenticate?
Yes my email client e.g. outlook should be authenticate over SMTP
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