Idris Saliu [2/16/2004 3:58 PM] :
> I'm trying to configure exim to spool mails for a domain. Here is
> what I'm trying to do, I'm not sure it's possible. I have a friend who
> runs an exchange server with an intermittent internet access, I would
> like to configure my exim server to accept mails on his behalf, he can
domainlist relay_to_domains =
Set an appropriate retry interval for that domain, or configure ETRN if
that exchange server has a fixed IP. Or maybe UUCP - lots of DOS based
UUCP stacks you can use.
linux@??? (Suresh Ramasubramanian)
jaharkes@ravel:/usr/src$ mv linux Gnu/Linux
mv: cannot move `linux' to `Gnu/Linux': No such file or directory
jaharkes @ in reply to RMS on linux.kernel