Author: Kirill Miazine Date: To: Kevin Reed CC: exim-users Subject: Re: [Exim] dated addresses (example)
Hello Kevin
* Kevin Reed [2003-12-21 14:20]: > Thats why an alternative that produces a Deny at SMTP time rather than a
> bounce after the message is received is perferred...
Yeah, and qmail's stock smtpd sucks because because of not
understanding/ignoring this fact.
In my setup a lot of junk will be blocked after RCPT/DATA during the
SMTP session.
> This is unless I am viewing how you are planning on using this type of
> "feature".
I simply do not expect too much mail to come to my dated addresses. And
I have not seen any "address expired" messages in my logs so far.
> Personally, I think it is a cool idea if done right. There are some other
> issues such as timezones, perhaps generating an address that does not make
> it so easy to guess what the real one is... provide a way for users to
> request a temp unique unblocked mail address etc...
You're reaching TMDA now. :) The initial idea was to avoid such a
monster. :)
Best wishes
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