> choice 1) mail.mydomain.com: nicer, but Mr Woods unhappy.
My personal choice.
> choice 2) my.dsl.address.com: but only if this resolves to your IP.
> Mr Woods happy.
> BUT what is this crap:
> Received: from THUNDER (usercf098.dsl.pipex.com [])
> ^^^^^^^
> this would certainly get spam points on my system.
This would be dropped at my server. I do some HELO checking. To me, this
looks like spam.
HELOs are accepted if they have atleast 1 dot and doesn't appear at the
beginning or end of the string. x.x would be accepted. I don't do any dns
lookups for this. If you HELO as some domains (ie hotmail.com), I do check
to see if the hostname ends with hotmail.com.
Lab tests show that use of micro$oft causes cancer in lab animals