man, 07.04.2003 kl. 14.12 skrev Marian Eichholz:
> In fact, the lattice-scheme does not work like expected. In a test server I
> have something like this
> dn: cn=EMO,dc=addressbook,o=mehome
> givenName: EMO
> cn: EMO
> objectClass: top
> objectClass: person
> Ok, but I cannot address it in ldapsearch using the lattice-attribute-form:
> ldapsearch -h localhost -p 22040 -b 'cn=#454D4F,dc=addressbook,o=mehome'
> The result will be "no such object"
I checked this out for you, and it would appear to be an Openlap thing,
nothing to do with Exim at all.
This works - you have to make a home directory /u/home/lattice first,
for this example. When you've made it work, lattice gets translated to
drwxr-xr-x 2 #454D4F localuse 4096 apr 7 15:15 lattice:
dn: cn=EMO,ou=people,ou=groups,dc=billy,dc=demon,dc=nl
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixAccount
sn: Lattice
userPassword:: cGFzc3dvcmQK
uidNumber: 513
gidNumber: 1001
homeDirectory: /u/home/lattice
cn: EMO
uid: #454D4F
1036 [] /root # id \#454D4F
uid=513(#454D4F) gid=1001(localusers) groups=1001(localusers)
1039 [] /root # exim -bt \#454D4F
router = localuser, transport = local_delivery
You don't really have to use /any/ Exim stuff (i.e. quote_ldap etc),
since - as I said - it's 100% Openldap. That is, unless you code your
own application - then use quote_ldap_dn.
Disclaimer: This is Openldap 2.1.17 - whether it works with other
versions I just don't know :-)
Tony Earnshaw
e-post: tonni@???