I am trying to find a way for email marked by Spamassassin to be handled
a little different, and would love to hear your comments and suggestions.
Spamassassin, adds some text to the beginning of the email
and modified the subject line.
What I want:
Spamassassin marked email to be converted to an attachment,
and a new email generated stating that the attached
email is possible spam, leaving the original email unmodified
and as an attachment that can be opened easily and viewed
in its original form.
My reasoning. If I receive an email that is html based, and it is marked as
spam, it is also no-longer HTML, thus rendering it unusable. In cases
of real email, this is a big problem (at least until I can get them entered
into my white list).
I have a friend that has done this using sendmail, and I figure if it can
be done with sendmail, then it should be much easier to do using Exim!
Thanks in advance to all of you who share your thoughts on this.
Terry Shows
terry.shows@??? <