On Sat, Aug 12, 2000 at 01:14:39PM -0700, Pete Naylor wrote:
> You're missing the units of time for the first item in the list. You need
> to specify "24h" rather than just "24". Exim seems to have assumed that
> you were defining a director or router.
That was a typo in my email message. The first part of the email
message displayed it right (including the h after 24).
> I've never heard of eximconfig, sorry. When I edit exim.cf I HUP or
> restart Exim, and I check to be sure that the process is present.
The manual says:
Used with the -i option it will not ask any questions, or
modify the configuration file at all, but will do the nec
essary fiddling with inetd.conf and startup scripts to
enable exim. You should use this after configuring exim
The response was:
starting exim
I didn't check if the process was present, but I guess it was, given
the paniclogs.
It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a
warning to others.