On Fri, 10 Sep 1999 15:57:33 +0100 (BST), you wrote:
>(2) What to do about lines longer than 1024 characters. They could just
>be chopped, or written as multiple lines, with the continuations
>starting with some identifying string such as "...".
I'd definetely prefer the multiline approach.
>(3) Should the pid be included in every logged line?
>Judging by the
>syslog entries I've looked at, this will mess up the alignment at the
>start, but may be necessary to disentangle multi-line log entries.
How about padding the pid with spaces to a defined length of 5 chars?
Anyway, most programs simply dump their PID in, so I won't care about
>(4) Presumably Exim's date/time should be chopped off.
that would be a good idea but only if exim's and the syslog time (when
logging is being done to a central loghost) don't differ too much. I
am running a perl script that dumps exim's logs into syslog and with
my approach (that has been pulled from tail's source and contains some
sleep commands) I sometimes have exim's time and syslog's time differ
a few seconds.
How about tacking the date and time _behind_ the normal log entry
where it doesn't bother anyone?
On a second thought, I would prefer the log format to be configurable,
the default being something like "[%p] %m %l" which would generate the
pid in square brackets, followed by the message ID and the log text.
Who wants to have Exim's date and time would change that to "%d %t
[%p] %m %l".
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Marc Haber | " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
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Nordisch by Nature | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29