for legal reasons I have a list of domains, where I *must* send via TLS
Currently, I have two routers and transports:
domains: +domainlist-with-TLS-Domains
transport: tlssmtp
domains: *
transport: smtp
hosts_require_tls = *
driver = smtp
driver smtp
in reality two routers and transports are much more complicated but almost
identical. The same is true for the transports.
Is it somehow possible to consolidate this into one router and one transport
and lets have in the transport "something like"
domains_require_tls = +domainlist-with-TLS-Domains
I now that this option does not exist, but is it possible to configure
one router and one transport that act like that ?
Regards, Olaf
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC)
Dipl.-Geophys. Olaf Hopp
Zirkel 2
Gebäude 20.21, Raum 316
76131 Karlsruhe
Telefon: +49 721 608-48009
E-Mail: Olaf.Hopp@???
Sitz der Körperschaft:
Kaiserstraße 12, 76131 Karlsruhe
KIT - Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft