Re: [exim] Exim and sympa with DSN enabled lists

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Autor: Odhiambo Washington
A: Olaf Hopp (SCC)
CC: exim users
Assumpte: Re: [exim] Exim and sympa with DSN enabled lists
On Wed, Jul 6, 2022 at 12:26 PM Olaf Hopp (SCC) via Exim-users <
exim-users@???> wrote:

> Hello
> (apologies for being slightly off topic. A similar question will go into
> the sympa list)
> Is there anybody using exim and sympa where DSN (delivery status
> notification) is
> switched on for a list within sympa ?
> When DSN is switched off for a list sympa calls the exim with the args
> -oi -odi -oem -f test2-owner@??? --
> which runs fine. When DSN is enabled the args are
> -oi -odi -oem -N success,delay,failure -V00000031 -f
> --
> which fails since "-N" means "This is a debugging option that inhibits
> delivery of a message at the transport level..."
> Is anybody using sympa with DSN enabled lists who can give a hint ?

Out of curiosity, why do you need DSN for a mailing list?

Best regards,
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