Autor: Jeremy Harris Data: A: exim-dev Assumpte: Re: [exim-dev] headers_rewrite
On 30/04/2020 13:49, Anderson Ouverney | Gk2 Cloud via Exim-dev wrote: > We are currently using exim on some cPanel servers we have, we are
> implementing a central relay to improve email management and sending speed.
> This relay only allows previously registered, authorized and authenticated
> domains (SPF, DKIM) to send new messages.
> My problem is with forwarders, when a person creates a forwarder, eg:
> 1- xxxxxxxxx@??? - Original Sender
> 2- xxx@??? - Original Recipient
> 3- xxxxx@??? - Forward Recipient
> We have a problem relaying, because domain 1 is not on the list of allowed
> domains in the relay.
You don't say in which sense "not allowed", nor if you
are referring to envelope or header infomation, but if
you're talking about SPF then...
> We have also tried SRS, but it did not work on re-transmission.
... SRS is the right band-aid to be slapping on top of the
SPF breakage.