I am still faiing to get mail sent from my hione to the mail server
2019-12-13 14:37:25 H=([]) [] Warning: Host Leookup failed
2019-12-13 14:37:25 1ifm4L-0001ke-Ch Taint mismatch, Ustrncpy: rewrite_one_header 611
I have tried the 0.3 code with zero change. I assume it is sometig wrong
with rewrite
begin rewrite
*@*.codemist.co.uk $1@??? bctFf
*@cage $1@??? bctFf
*@snout $1@??? bctFf
*@birtwistle $1@??? bctFf
The phone in question is running TypeAp on android as
Wors on 0.92.3
==John ff