Ralph Soika via Exim-users <exim-users@???> (Fr 15 Feb 2019 08:43:06 CET):
> Do you think we can build a docker image for exim4 together? For
> docker-swarm such an image is a perfect solution to allow services so send
> out mails via an gateway. And as I said, I am not really the expert. But I
> did not found a better solution for docker so I tried to help myself.
For a project I built Docker images of Exim, and I'm still tempted to
continue this work. I consider myself partly as an Exim and Unix expert
;), but sometimes I've daubt about it.
So, if you're interested, we can try pushing something like an
exim-docker project.
Best regards from Dresden/Germany
Viele Grüße aus Dresden
Heiko Schlittermann
SCHLITTERMANN.de ---------------------------- internet & unix support -
Heiko Schlittermann, Dipl.-Ing. (TU) - {fon,fax}: +49.351.802998{1,3} -
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