Charlie Elgholm <charlie@???> (Mi 18 Okt 2017 12:42:48 CEST):
> Is there some way to have Exim rate-limit the queue runners, so they only
> process - let's say 10 messages per minute - for a domain (like
> outlook.com/live.com) - _regardless_ of how the message was put in the
> queue.
As Jeremy pointed out already. You may have Exim put messages to some
domains into a separate queue implement the queue runner yourself,
calling `exim -M <id>` for each message ID in your rate limited queue.
(Never did this, but it should be flexible enough and I'd expect a
some-liner Shell Script as a queue runner.)
Some other approach I never used could be the event interface.
Maybe this can be used to call ratelimiting ACL after msg:delivery and
delay the exit of the delivery process. Combined with the several max_*
transport options this could work. Just guessing.
Best regards from Dresden/Germany
Viele Grüße aus Dresden
Heiko Schlittermann
SCHLITTERMANN.de ---------------------------- internet & unix support -
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