> > Is there some way to configure multiple authentication drivers with
> > Exim, such that they are tried in order until one is found that
> > succeeds?
> No, but the condition used for approval can use `or`.
> It's `or{{cond1}{cond2}...{condN}}`
> server_condition = ${if or{\
> {${lookup WHATEVER1}}\
> {${lookup WHATEVER2}}\
> }}
Thanks for your reply! I'm not quite sure I understand how I could use
this however. My understanding is:
* The plaintext authenticator uses server_condition for the final
yes/no, however if this fails because the credentials supplied are
Dovecot ones, there doesn't appear to be a way to call the
driver=dovecot for it to attempt verification.
* The dovecot authenticator only seems to use server_condition after
verifying the user's credentials as an additional check[1], so if
plaintext credentials are supplied they will fail Dovecot auth and
the server_condition will never be evaluated.
Is this correct or am I missing something?
Thanks again,
"For the other [not plaintext or gsasl] authenticators,
server_condition can be used as an additional authentication or
authorization mechanism that is applied after the other authenticator
conditions succeed."