On 2017-01-24, RC9 Adm <rc9adm@???> wrote: >
> I'm getting emails blocked by a mailserver that send me the message below.
> How to know which policy I'm breaking?
Contact the recipient by other means and ask them to provide a
different address, or for them to raise the issue with their postmaster,
when their postmaster kears it from their "customer" they know you
are not sending spam and have some motivation to assist.
> I checked my IP on many tools and my IP or domain aren't include on any
> blacklist.
Some domains don't accept email from foreign IP addresses, for some
arbirtary definition of foreign, some places want FCRDNS.
> Looking for any other evidence for this rejection I found an entry when
> check MX domain record on DNSstuff. There are an entry on a DRBL gremli.ru
> list. Checking the type entry I got the description text: spamtrap hit. Is
> this entry responsible for the rejection?
I find valli.org to be a good checker. the top of page will also confirm your
forward and reverse DNS config.
This email has not been checked by half-arsed antivirus software