Re: [exim] The appendfile transport: UID and GID of the deli…

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Szerző: Heiko Schlittermann
Címzett: exim-users
Tárgy: Re: [exim] The appendfile transport: UID and GID of the delivery message file

Ednardo Lobo <ednardo@???> (Do 25 Aug 2016 16:18:33 CEST):

> Exim is running with a non-root user (UID: exim) and group (GID: exim) and
> the exim binary is without setuid permission: -rwxr-xr-x.
> The transport configuration is:
> maildir:
>     driver = appendfile
>     maildir_format = true
>     create_directory = false
>     directory = /var/mail/LBN/$domain/$local_part
>     mode = 0660

> The maildir was create apart with follow permissions, uid e gid:
> drwxrws--- exim <group> /var/mail/$domain/$local_part/cur
> drwxrws--- exim <group> /var/mail/$domain/$local_part/new
> drwxrws--- exim <group> /var/mail/$domain/$local_part/tmp
> <group> - a unique gid defined to each mail address

So the exim user has write access …, the directories are sgid <group>.
So, any file created in this directory should be owned by the creator
and the group <group>.

> I should like that file create to store delivery message owned "exim uid"
> and "<group> gid", but exim delivery process makes with "exim uid" and "gid
> exim". In fact, I need exim process does not set any uid and gid leaving
> this responsability to SO.

If Exim doesn't run as a privileged user, Exim can't create files owned
by anybody else then the exim user and the group, owning the directory.

So, I'd expect to just work. Can you show us the permissions of files
in new/, right after Exim created it?
