[exim] - lot of spam being relayed through our server

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Author: Fabián M Sales
To: Exim-Users
Subject: [exim] - lot of spam being relayed through our server

A lot of spam being relayed through our server, I do not see this
Authenticated and I can not see how they send this SPAM

2016-08-11 13:13:39 1bXsbo-00052w-0I Details : "info@???" -
Subject = Re: Hey.
2016-08-11 13:13:42 1bXsbo-00052w-0I <= info@???
H=(radiolv15.com.ar) [] P=esmtp S=3345
2016-08-11 13:13:46 1bXsbo-00052w-0I => petertbi@??? R=lookuphost
T=remote_smtp H=mailin-02.mx.aol.com []
X=TLSv1:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:256 CV=yes C="250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as
2016-08-11 13:13:46 1bXsbo-00052w-0I Completed

Details: Domain "example.com" is create OK in my server but mail account
info@??? not exist.

I have some error in my configuration file?

I called my attention this:

"H=(example.com) []"



*Fabián* *M. Sales
*Soporte Técnico & I.T.I Linux

*DonWeb *
La Actitud Es Todo


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