Chip <jeffschips@???> (Di 28 Jun 2016 17:18:54 CEST):
> I know this question is not specifically germane to Exim but everyone on
> this list has extensive experience with bouncing policies.
> If a receiver of campaign emails (that promotes itself as an email security
> service) sends bounces to "reply-to" rather than "bounces-to" as a policy
> despite bounces-to present in all campaign emails headers, would this be
> considered a violation of RFCs?
Bounces should go to the Envelope sender of the triggering message.
The Envelope sender doesn't need to be identical to the Reply-To: or the
address found in the From: header. (Reply-To and From may even contain
more than one address, the Envelope sender carries exactly one address
(which may be empty, in case it's a bounce already)))
I've never heard of a Bounces-To Header.
Best regards from Dresden/Germany
Viele Grüße aus Dresden
Heiko Schlittermann
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