On Mon, 2016-05-16 at 18:19 -0300, Jorge wrote:
> With your suggest I have found that the problems is due to my script use
> iptables linux command and it is not posible to use it from exim because I
> need root permissions.
In Linux (Centos 5 & 6), Exim can optionally run a PHP script. In that
PHP script I run this command
exec("sudo -u root -t pts/1 /sbin/iptables -A 2email.".$mm." -j DROP -s
2email = table name
$mm = current month
$ip = sender's IP address.
In the /etc/sudoers file I have:-
exim xxx.xxx.com=/sbin/iptables -A 2email.* -j DROP -s *
'exim' distinguishes this line from lines used for
other applications, example Apache
xxx.xxx.com the MTA's host name.
2email = IPtables table names
England, EU. England's place is in the European Union.