Re: [exim] Turning off no_enforce_sync conditionally in acl_…

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Auteur: Jeremy Harris
À: exim-users
Sujet: Re: [exim] Turning off no_enforce_sync conditionally in acl_smtp_helo
On 04/05/16 20:52, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
> So Thunderbird in the code that tests an user's account configuration.
> It connects and dumps "EHLO" and then immediately
> sends a QUIT without reading the response, which of course violates the
> protocol and annoys exim:
> 2016-05-04 14:41:19 SMTP protocol synchronization error (next input sent too soon: pipelining was not advertised): rejected "EHLO" [] next input="QUIT\r\n"

> Any hints would be appreciated.

Can you grab a -d-all+acl debug run?
While this will slow Exim down even further
there's always the possibility we'll see something
in the processing sequence that could be improved.