Heiko Schlittermann <hs@???> (Do 03 Mär 2016 00:16:58 CET):
> Please attach the environment.c file and send it to me.
> Replace:
> if (unsetenv(CS name) < 0) return FALSE;
> else p = USS environ; /* RESTART from the beginning */
> with:
> unsetenv(CS name);
> p = USS environ;
Please tell me
a) which version of Exim you're using
(tarball, direct Git checkout, commit-id)
b) Your OS detail (how is the build directory
named (e.g: build-linux-x86_64)
c) other relevant details (version of GCC,
C lib version, …)
Best regards from Dresden/Germany
Viele Grüße aus Dresden
Heiko Schlittermann
SCHLITTERMANN.de ---------------------------- internet & unix support -
Heiko Schlittermann, Dipl.-Ing. (TU) - {fon,fax}: +49.351.802998{1,3} -
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