Re: [exim] exim4, gmail and 550-5.7.1

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Autor: Julian Bradfield
Para: exim-users
Asunto: Re: [exim] exim4, gmail and 550-5.7.1
On 2015-12-13, Marc Haber <mh+exim-users@???> wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Dec 2015 21:11:36 -0800, Ian Zimmerman <itz@???>
>>Maybe, as a first step, you could move from the Debian configuration
>>infrastructure for exim to a hand edited configuration file.
> Why would one want to do that?

>>While it _is_ possible to achieve your goal within the Debian
>>infrastructure, it involves creating or modifying files in an entire
>>tree of configurations [1], which many find not "intuitive" and/or

> Even if the man pages added by Debian add up to anothe 2000 lines,
> Debian-specific documentation is less than 10 % of what one needs to
> read and understand anyway to write a hand-crafted exim configuration.

Nonetheless, it's easier for (at least some) people to understand the
exim4 file than the Debian stuff. I tried to stick to the debconf
mechanism when I first had my VPS, but it became just too hard to keep
track of where everything was and how the variables interacted, as
soon as I wanted to do non-trivial things. A single text file is much
easier to find one's way about.

But then I can't off-hand think of any example where
distribution-specific interfaces to standard mechanisms have made my
life easier rather than harder.

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