Ian Zimmerman <itz@???> (Mo 07 Sep 2015 17:19:41 CEST):
> For a pipe transport where the "transport_filter" option is specified, are
> the environment items listed in section 29.4 of the spec, plus the
> additional items given with the "environment" private option, also in
> place for the transport_filter program?
After some experiments: It (transport_filter) doesn't seem to be set up
the same way as the pipe command. The environment is that what Exim got
from the caller.
> If not, is there some other way to pass information (such as the
> envelope sender, connecting ip, etc.) from exim to the filter program,
> other than command line args? I'd like to avoid command line args
> because they're publicly visible in the /proc filesystem.
If you could pass information via the environment, it would be visible
in the process information (/proc, ps).
But you can use headers_add = … and let your filter act on these headers
(and remove them during processing)
Best regards from Dresden/Germany
Viele Grüße aus Dresden
Heiko Schlittermann
SCHLITTERMANN.de ---------------------------- internet & unix support -
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