Hi guys,
because i get emails from you, here some facts and advices.
Emergencygrade: "They broke the internet"
The 1und1 group is a major it company in germany and the usa, the impact
is big.
So pls forgive this OT message:
1. it's not your fault nor your servers .
check here:
The entire Mailcluster seems to be gone down the drain. Customer
(partly?) can't receive or send emails.
2. Domains and Brands involved:
schlund.de aka Schlund und Partner
kundenserver.de aka. 1und1
3. What can i do for my mailserver to work again ?
nothing, it's not your fault.
Just wait until it works again, 1und1 is on it.
You could delay the delivery to those mailservers, if you know how , so
your customers don't get feedback. But if it's an important message, the
sender surely wants to know, that it did not reach the recipient in time.
4. What do i tell my customers to do now ?
use FAX or telephone to contact people. if you have to send documents,
upload it to your own cloud app like Pydio:
5. What can the admin do ?
translate this message and post it on your local news feed for your
customers to be informed.
They don't break your necks if they get informed well ;)
best regards,