著者: Graeme Fowler 日付: To: Odhiambo Washington CC: Exim . 題目: Re: [exim] Google tagging list mail as suspicious/spam
On Fri, 2014-08-08 at 18:10 +0300, Odhiambo Washington wrote: > This list is rather quiet of late, or maybe I was unsub(ed).
Er... no, it's been fairly busy, as it goes.
> I run a server (cloud-based) with Exim+Mailman. The problem I am facing is
> as described in the $subject. Why this is happening beats me.
> I hope to use a third eye to help me decipher the secret behind the problem.
> The domain name is my.co.ke and I use mailman-prod.my.co.ke as the FQDN.
> This is a new/replacement server for one that used to be named
> orion.my.co.ke (being retired).
IP reputation.
There isn't much you can do about that apart from persevere, and get
recipients to hit the "not spam" button.
If you've gone from a cold start to X messages/day with no ramp, that'll
be on the radar immediately as "perhaps dodgy".