Am 04.08.2014 15:46, schrieb Jeremy Harris:
> On 04/08/14 12:23, Dominik Röttsches wrote:
>> I would like to use the TLS status of incoming delivered mail to
>> spam
>> filtering. My idea was to insert a header into the mail which
>> describes
> ... lists $tls_in_cipher as having content during
> a TLS incoming connection. Presumably it's empty
> otherwise (check this!).
Thank you very much for the pointers!
I was able to add a statement into the acl_check_data stage which adds
the used cipher suite on mails that are delivered over an encrypted
incoming connection.
warn message = X-TLS-In-Cipher: $tls_in_cipher
encrypted = *
I am aware that this is deprecated syntax, but it's consistent with the
other statements I have there.
It should probably be:
warn encrypted = *
add_header = X-TLS-In-Cipher: $tls_in_cipher