a real bugger for you guys :
warn condition = ${if eq{$authenticated_id}{} {1}{0}}
condition = ( if antispam is enabled , yes it its )
condition = ( if the sender is on the whitelist, which it
isn't ) :
${if forany{<,
$recipients}{match{${lookup mysql {....}}}{1}} {0}{1}}
actual, it checks for each recipients
domain, if HE has the sender on whitelist (multirecipients
whitelisthandling is delicate)
ass you can see, the match is negated
on the end. Not on list => spam check it.
spam = nobody/defer_ok
add_header = X-Spam-Flag: YES
accept condition = ${if or{\
{ and{ {!def:spam_score_int}{
eq{$authenticated_id}{} } }}\
{ match{ ${lookup mysql { .. sql for
checking if antispam is NOT enabled }} }{1} }\
} {1}}
add_header = X-Spam-Note: SpamAssassin uebersprungen :
domain=${domain:$h_to:} e=${domain:$recipients}
This works for entire day and night, since one or more years, BUT
randomly, a spam slips throu with the remark, it wasn't scanned at all.
Which is true, as Spamassassins log shows not even the try to check it.
This mußt be true : and{ {!def:spam_score_int}{
eq{$authenticated_id}{} } }
Which means, spam_score_int was not definied.
Conclusion: " spam = nobody/defer_ok" from the first rule was
never executed.
There's is no evidence that exim ever tried it. When i resent the spam
i.e. from a different host, it gets detected as it should be.
As mails get checked, there must be a logical problem in that rule, or
exim does a nice hidden bug with contacting spamd.
System: FC18 distroversion
Anyone else which has such problems with exim and spamd ?