Re: [exim] Blacklisting users from sending out mails.

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Szerző: soumya tr
Tárgy: Re: [exim] Blacklisting users from sending out mails.
Thank you Odhiambo and tony.

Is there any way I can specify multiple conditions in a router?

In case of acl I use the below given code:

# Deny Messages if they are not from local_domains (Spoof prevention)
discard message = Message denied - From address spoofing attempt detected
! condition = ${if match{$h_from:}{$primary_hostname} {true}{false}}
! condition = ${if eq{${sg{${extract{2}{@}{$h_from:}}}{>|
! condition = ${if eq{${sg{${extract{2}{@}{$h_from:}}}{>|
! condition = ${if eq{${sg{${extract{2}{@}{$h_to:}}}{>|
! condition = ${if eq{${sg{${extract{2}{@}{$h_to:}}}{>|
! condition = ${if eq {$h_X-CTCH-Spam:}{}{0}{1}}

How can I use the same condtions in a router? I am not that good at exim
router level. Please assist !!!