Autor: Cyborg Data: A: exim-users Assumpte: Re: [exim] The problem with Free Software
Am 03.06.2013 21:20, schrieb Allen Bell: > telling me why *I* shouldn't do what *I* want because *YOU* think it's
> wrong...
> telling how YOU do it because YOU found a work around...
> attacking me for having the audacity to have formed a different opinion
> that you...
> ... you're as big a part of the problem as anyone else.
senior admins call this: a level 8 problem.
It sits infront of the screen.
btw, nexttime, save your time and ask here before you get frustrated,
you will get help one or the other way. Your not the first running into
a problem, and you will not be the last. But you maybe the one, who
finds a working solution here.