On 02/28/2013 09:40 PM, Raymond Norton wrote:
> I am running exim4 on Ubuntu 12.0.4 and baruwa 2.0
It's called Exim. Not "exim4". Yes, it's version 4.
> 2013-02-28 15:33:21 no IP address found for host localhost.localdomain (during SMTP connection from (ccm169.constantcontact.com) [])
> 2013-02-28 15:33:22 1UBB6P-00019O-V1 <= ESC1112612119830_1107378337625_4459_r20@??? H=ccm169.constantcontact.com [] P=esmtp S=54881 id=1112612119830.1107378337625.4459.7.50163065@???
The second line is an acceptance. We need to track what happens after then.
Are there any further lines with the id "1UBB6P-00019O-V1" ?
Or any more with the IP address "[]" ? Who, just for interest,
has (probably) a very stupid HELO string.