Re: [exim] Exim 4.80.1 security release - details - regardin…

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Author: Cyborg
To: exim-users
Old-Topics: Re: [exim] Exim 4.80.1 security release - details
Subject: Re: [exim] Exim 4.80.1 security release - details - regarding fedora

17:23 CEST Update on Fedora Status :

Tomas Hoger<thoger@???> --- Updated packages are already built and submitted as updates:

Fedora Users can check the status themselfes here:

You can download the new packages here for testing:

Fedora 17:

Fedora 16:

IF they work for you, leave the fedora guys a message via koji. The more
people report it to work, the earlier the patch will be going stable.

best regards,
