On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 2:42 AM, Michel Dubois <mdubois@???> wrote:
> In the Log I 've this :
> 2012-10-22 11:35:49 1TQEQH-0006PN-3F == mdubois@??? R=dnslookup
> T=remote_smtp defer (-44): SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT
> TO:<mdubois@???>: host email.polytech.unice.fr []:
The answer is in the mail logs:
> 450 <root@???>: Sender address rejected: Domain not found
You are sending email saying that it is from
*@aragon.cimpaca.unice.fr. The remote mail server is checking dns to
make sure that the hostname "aragon.cimpaca.unice.fr" exists, but it
does not exist in dns so the remote mail server is refusing to accept
email from you.
[todd@tlyons ~]$ dig +nocomments +nostats aragon.cimpaca.unice.fr
; <<>> DiG 9.7.3 <<>> +nocomments +nostats aragon.cimpaca.unice.fr
;; global options: +cmd
;aragon.cimpaca.unice.fr. IN A
unice.fr. 10734 IN SOA taloa.unice.fr. hostmaster.unice.fr.
2012102210 21600 3600 3600000 172800
> Could you help?
> How to empty mailq?
Send using a name that exists in dns.
The total budget at all receivers for solving senders' problems is $0.
If you want them to accept your mail and manage it the way you want,
send it the way the spec says to. --John Levine