Author: Petr Pisar Date: To: pcre-dev Subject: Re: [pcre-dev] pcre_info support is dropped
On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 at 06:42:44PM +0100, Zoltán Herczeg wrote: > > I cannot see any change in library SONAME number. This number should change
> > to reflect the function has been removed from API.
> No idea. You use libtool for creating library, so reading `info libtool Versioning'
could be helpful.
You need to adjust --version-info argument in libpcre_la_LDFLAGS. You do it by
setting EXTRA_LIBPCRE_LDFLAGS in which expands value of
libpcre_version defined on line 17:
If you remove a symbol from the library, you should increase first number and
reset second and third ones to zero (change the 0:1:0 to 1:0:0 now).
And if posix anc cpp libraries are affected, then them either.
Resluting library will get different SOANAME (scanelf --soname and
extension and symlinks after installation.
> The source file is surely removed from the library.
> $ svn update
At revision 850.