Gorobets Igor <igoryan@???> (Thu Feb 10 16:16:44 2011):
> Hello.
> When there is RECALCULATE file maildirsize?
> Thanks.
I suppose you're talking about the file "maildirsize".
In src/transports/tf_maildir.c:
/* Functions in support of the use of maildirsize files for handling quotas in
maildir directories. Some of the rules are a bit baroque:
We try to follow most of that, except that the directories to skip for quota
calculations are not hard wired in, but are supplied as a regex. */
From the source (the above mentioned tf_maildir.c) I find the following reasons (in that order) for
recalculating the maildirsize:
* if "maildirsize" does not exist
* if the "maildirsize" is too big (>= 5120 bytes)
* if the first line of "maildirsize" does not follow the
rules (two data items, comma separated, numbers suffixed
with S or C)
* if the quota settings in the first line differ from
the values of the quota_* options in the config file
* if the mailbox is over quota (according to the
numbers in "maildirsize" and additionally at least one of
the following conditions is met:
- there is more than one entry in "maildirsize"
- the "maildirsize" is older than 15 minutes
* if (according to "maildirsize") the mailbox has negative
size or negative number of files
* if there is a syntax error in the file
Heiko :: dresden : linux : SCHLITTERMANN.de
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