Guten Tag Craig Silverstein,
am Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011 um 19:31 schrieben Sie:
> There's another way to do it, which is uglier but doesn't require
> modifying pcre: use a conversion operator.
> For this to work, you'll need to subclass std::wstring. The subclass
> will define the constructors you need, and also an 'operator
> StringPiece() const'. It's this method that will convert the wstring
> into a utf-8 string, wrap that in a stringpiece, and return it.
> Then you should be able to pass in your wstring-subclass whenever
> pcrecpp expects a StringPiece. Would this work for your needs?
Sounds like with this approach the caller should have to set the right
options for UTF-8-support on it's own and one has no influence on how
captured values are returned. Handling the conversion in the caller is
not a problem, that's what we are doing right now. I wanted are more
transparent way and that the caller must not care about those things,
hopefully resulting in less errors possible.
I wanted to have something possible like the following, where the
caller just inputs his Unicode and pcrecpp is able to return either
Unicode and UTF-8-Strings, whatever is needed by the caller.
pcrecpp::RE("...").Full_Match(std::wstring, &std::wstring, &std::string, &int, ...)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Thorsten Schöning
Thorsten Schöning
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme - Hameln | Potsdam | Leipzig
Telefon: Potsdam: 0331-743881-0
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