On Fri, 2009-12-11 at 18:28 +0200, Peter Kirk wrote: > So basically we have 2 domains, x.com and y.com
> If any mail gets rejected due to User Unknown, I would like to forward
> this a mailbox or folder. Though it must keep the original TO field
OK, now we're getting closer :)
If you have two domains, x.com and y.com, with one user in each - say
x@??? and y@???, then either:
1. You want all mail sent to other addresses in the domains to be
delivered into a mailbox inside x@??? or y@???'s accounts; this
means the remote sending host sees a non-error result (ie. the message
is accepted),
2. You want to do a "fake rejection" for unknown users - so the sending
side gets a rejection message, but you can still store the message.
In the first example, Mike's original message is the start for you by
defining another mailbox to catch all mail not destined for "real"
In the second example, you need to look at the "fakereject" option in an
appropriate ACL which allows you to send a rejection message back to the
rmeote host *and* then deliver the message somewhere safe.