Marc Perkel wrote:
>>>> Not spammers - forgers. Providing a way to defeat an anti-forgery
>>>> mechanism wouldn't be my choice. But hey, if that's what you want....
>>> I'm thinking that forgers would be less of a problem that false
>>> positives produced by forwarded email.
>> I'm thinking the opposite.
> Then you would merely NOT use the feature and I would.
I'm not sure "feature" is the right word. What you've suggested will
never be a part of any SPF implementation as it is quite simply
ludicrous. If someone wanted to do it though, I'd suggest using spfquery:
${run{/usr/bin/spfquery --mail-from $sender_address --helo
$sender_helo_name --ip $acl_m0}}
Where $acl_m0 is the IP. You'd use one of the ${for} methods to iterate
over a list of IPs after stripping them out of the received headers with
Mike Cardwell
( (