I need to extract the value "X-purgate-ID" from $spam_report:
X-purgate: Spam
X-purgate-ID: 150741::080616223818-6C9786C0-73CE72D8/2129941411-0/0-3
X-purgate-Ad: For more information about eXpurgate please visit
With real PCRE, the expression would look like this:
.*\nX-purgate-ID: (.*?)\n.*
whereas $1 would contain the id. Unfortunately, the sg expansion item
does seem to work with newlines.
It is easy to remove all lines but the first:
${sg{${sg{$spam_report}{X-purgate: }{}}}{\n.*}{}}
This returns: "Spam"
But all tries to extract the id (or furthermore remove anything before
and after) in one step failed. The only way that worked was this:
${sg{${sg{${sg{$spam_report}{X-purgate: .*\n}{}}}{X-purgate-Ad:
.*}{}}}{.*X-purgate-ID: (.*)\n.*}{\$1}}
But it looks very ugly. Any ideas, how this could be done nicer?
Kind regards