Re: [exim] XCLIENT supported by exim?

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Autor: Ian Eiloart
Dla: Marten Lehmann, Exim Mailing List
Temat: Re: [exim] XCLIENT supported by exim?

--On 23 April 2008 21:21:11 +0200 Marten Lehmann <lehmann@???> wrote:

> no, the service is not based on RBLs. The vendor promised higher
> detection rates for the proxy solution in comparison to its spamd mode.
> Thats the only reason not to use it as spamd.

That can only be because, in spamd mode, it doesn't have access to what:
the IP address of the client? What's it doing with that IP address? RBL

Ian Eiloart
IT Services, University of Sussex