On Thu, 2008-02-21 at 09:42 +0100, Peter Velan wrote:
> Yes you are right: This kind of click-clack (without any knowledge about
> the background mechanism) exists on non-Microsoft systems too! But I
> never saw such kind of "documentation" in the *primary* literature for
> Exim, Sendmail, Postfix & Qmail.
But this isn't the MS Exchange primary literature - it's for MS Small
Business Server, which is analogous to running something like Mitel's
SME Server (related to/AKA E-Smith, see
http://aplawrence.com/esmith.html ) - it's a small business product
designed entirely for people who don't know, or know only a bit, about
what they're doing.
The more complete explanation for Exchange is here:
Which is, in many ways, related to:
Interestingly, the originally quoted MS document is almost exactly the
same as this:
...which is a "cut'n'paste" solution to the problem. Oh look, a
cut'n'paste in the primary documentation! ;-)
Phew. I managed to keep it Exim-related!