> The "headers_remove = User-Agent" line is something entirely different
> that tends to help. You'll find many references on the web to hotmail
> blocking certain messages that contain Thunderbird in the User-Agent
> header, but allowing through messages that are exactly the same, but
> without the User-Agent header. I tested this myself a while back and it
> was true.
Why would an MUA add a "User-Agent" header? It's an HTTP or net-news
header, not a mail header.
Arguably, Microsoft are doing the right thing by punishing clients for
using non-standard headers.
Perhaps the sensible thing to do is to replace the User-Agent header with
an X-mailer: header
Or, perhaps someone should register user-agent as a mail header.
http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3864> says how, and says that part of the
point is "encouraging convergence of header field name usage across
multiple applications and protocols"
> This information comes with no guarantee. For all I know hotmail may
> turn around one day and start blocking messages with fake References
> headers. They're not at the moment though.
> MikeC2
Ian Eiloart
IT Services, University of Sussex