I have a very quick question about using multiple sql servers. I
understand what I'm doing, but I just want to make sure on this because
I cannot find it specifically stated in the specification.
While using multiple mysql servers I know I'd use something like:
hide mysql_servers = hosta/db/user/pass:\
What I'd like to know, in my case host A is a cluster and host b is just
a replicated DB for ultimate failure. Does Exim use the sql servers in
the order listed? IE Exim will always use host A first as long as it
can connect to host A. It will use host B only when host A is down.
This is what I am assuming... I want to make sure it doesn't pick
either or, I need it to always pick host A unless host A is down.
James Price
T/c/F: 800.603.0769
Email: james@???
3636 S. Iron St.
Chicago, IL 60609