Hello everyone,
So I have this in ACL DATA:
warn set acl_m_sa = ${run {/etc/domeny/testme $message_exim_id $acl_m_user} {$value} }
log_message = acl_m_user: $acl_m_user
warn continue = {true}
log_message = Testme result for message $message_id: $acl_m_sa
The script is:
RES=`exim -Mvc $1 | spamc -u $2 | gawk '{if ($0 ~ /^X-Spam-Status/) {printf("%s",$0); do { getline var; printf("%s",var); } while (var !~ /version=/); }}'`
exim -Mvc $1 > /tmp/mail.tmp
echo $RES
Logically enough, exim -Mvc in that script should pipe message into /tmp/mail.tmp.
Yet, what I get in that file is:
"Spool read error for 1IU60k-0006EN-MK-H: No such file or directory"
That would obviously mean that while ${run ... } executed the script,
exim -Mvc couldn't deliver the message.
Anybody knows the reason why and/or how to make this work?
Marcin Krol